health conditions

  • Health

    Hidden heart condition that can be fatal affects 1 in 4 seniors

    A recent study has unveiled a surprising and concerning fact: 28% of seniors over the age of 60 have undiagnosed heart valve disease. This revelation highlights the importance of better screening methods to manage health in older adults. The study, led by the University of East Anglia-UK, examined nearly 4,500 healthy, symptom-free seniors and found that more than a quarter…

  • Thailand News

    Men over 50 urged to be probed for prostate cancer

    Health experts urge men over 50 to take precautions against prostate cancer, emphasising that untreated conditions can be fatal. The Thailand Healthcare 2024 event, held in Samyan Mitrtown Hall, highlighted free health screenings and expert talks on prostate health. The annual fair, celebrating its 16th year, kicked off yesterday, featuring free health check-ups from 30 leading hospitals through tomorrow. The…

  • Health

    Everything you need to know about blood cancer treatment in Bangkok

    Blood cancer can affect anyone at any moment, and getting a diagnosis can leave us with a million questions swirling in our heads. What treatments are available? How will life change? But here’s some encouraging news: blood cancer is highly treatable, especially when you catch it early, Dr Udomsak Bunworasate, a haematologist and transplant physician at MedPark Hospital Bangkok, tells…

  • Health

    A new test can predict dementia nearly a decade before symptoms show

    Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have developed a groundbreaking test that can predict dementia with over 80% accuracy up to nine years before diagnosis. This new method, which uses advanced brain imaging techniques, outperforms traditional diagnostic tools and offers hope for early intervention. A revolutionary approach The innovative technique, spearheaded by Professor Charles Marshall and his team, involves…

  • Health

    Gynecomastia: Man boobs linked to higher risk of death

    Recent research has unveiled a startling revelation: men with gynecomastia, a condition characterised by enlarged breast tissue not due to weight gain, face a significantly higher risk of early death. This study, published in the BMJ, offers crucial insights into the health implications of gynecomastia, affecting a large percentage of men at different stages of their lives. Understanding gynecomastia Gynecomastia…

  • Health

    A man’s worst nightmare: Weak ejaculation

    For most males these days, a weak ejaculation can be a traumatic experience, especially having been brainwashed by the excessive online porn that usually has subtle computer graphics (CG) and post-production effects incorporated in them. From expecting some ‘shooting fireworks display’ to instead having just a small trickle, it can make many men experience increased anxiety and depression and make…

  • Health

    Loose vagina: A growing problem

    Vaginal laxity, often referred to as a loose vagina, is a misunderstood and sensitive topic that affects many women. This condition, characterised by a loss of vaginal elasticity, can significantly impact a woman’s physical comfort, self-esteem, and sexual satisfaction. Despite its prevalence, many women hesitate to discuss vaginal laxity, leading to a lack of awareness about available treatments. In this…

  • Health

    Atrial fibrillation is becoming more common and can lead to heart failure

    Atrial fibrillation (AF), a condition often characterised by an irregular heartbeat, is increasingly becoming a significant public health concern. Currently affecting more than 37 million people globally and rising at exponential rates annually with many not even aware that they have developed the condition, AF could soon become of the leading contributing factors to rising excess death rates. Recent studies…

  • Health

    Exploring In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in Thailand: Costs, Risks, and Success Rates

    In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a widely used procedure for addressing issues of infertility. Given the rising popularity and advancements in medical tourism, Thailand has emerged as a popular destination for IVF treatments. Understanding this procedure in the context of Thailand involves taking into account the procedure itself, the cost, recovery time, success rates, aftercare, and the potential alternatives and…