55 แคปชั่น ประโยคบอกรักพ่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ เพราะคำว่ารัก ไม่ได้มีแค่ “LOVE” รวมคำหวาน ๆ ในวันพ่อ 5 ธันวาคม 2565 บอกรักแบบใหม่ ฉบับคุณลูกสายอินเตอร์
เข้าสู่เดือนธันวาคม 2565 มีหนึ่งวันสำคัญของลูก ๆ ทั่วประเทศนันก็คือ 5 ธันวาคม วันพ่อแห่งชาติ งานนี้จะบอกรักพ่อทั้งที ส่งแคปชั่นความหมายดี ๆ ประโยคบอกรักพ่อ แบบภาษาอังกฤษเก๋ ๆ ให้คุณพ่อได้ชื่นใจกันสักหน่อยดีกว่า ขนมาให้แล้วกว่า 55 แประโยค แคปชั่นดดนใจคนเป็นเป็นพ่อสุด ๆ
1. Few will have the courage to love what is unfaithful to us. One of them is my father.
2. Dad holds a picture where his money used to be.
3. [My father] always provided me with a safe place to land. And it’s a place that’s hard to release.
4. Every great achiever is inspired by a great mentor.
5. No teacher is equal to a mother. And nothing is more contagious than a father’s dignity.
6. Being the father of a nation is a great honor. But being the father of a family is a greater happiness.
7. Every father should keep in mind that one day his son will follow his example. not his advice
8. Father is neither the anchor that holds us nor the sail that takes us there. but a guiding light through which love will guide us.
9. Father didn’t do anything wrong. He only did what a father should do: stay there.
10. There is no man I have ever met as much as my father. And I’ve never loved a man this much.
11. My father is my best friend. And he will always be.
12. Two-year-olds are like having a blender. But you don’t have a blender.
13. And I hope only when I have my own family that every day I will see more of my father in me.
14. A man knows that with age he begins to look like his father.
15. I jumped off a helicopter and did some stunts and played baseball in a professional stadium. But nothing is as meaningful as being someone’s father.
16. To be as good as our ancestors we must be better Imitation is not discipleship.
17. Being a father isn’t just about eating a big bag of gummy bears when your wife gives birth. Feel comfortable with the word hero.
18. For the world you are the father, but for our family you are the whole world
19. Recently, all my friends are worried that they are going to become their fathers. I’m worried that I’m not
20. There is no song as beautiful as Father.
21. The father’s power in his son’s life is unmatched.
22. The greatest sign of a father is the way he treats his children when no one cares.
23. A good father is one of the most underappreciated, unappreciated, and one of the most valuable assets in our society.
24. The girl’s father was the first man in her life. and probably the most influential
25. She does not stand alone. but what is standing behind her which is the most powerful moral force in her life. is her father’s love
26. I know that being a father is the greatest job I have ever had and the greatest job I have ever had.
27. A father’s smile is known to brighten up a child’s day.
28. Not Flesh and Blood It is the heart that makes us father and son.
29. A woman’s first love is her father.
30. The strongest and strongest men are compassionate. They are not mean and cold. You have to be manly enough to be empathetic. Caring for others and your children
31. A father’s tears and fears are invisible. Father’s love is not expressed. But father’s care and protection remains the pillar of strength throughout our lives.
32. I made a decision in life not to do anything that would not benefit my father’s life.
33. A confident woman is raised by a loving father.
34. By the time a man realized that perhaps his father was right He always had a son who thought he was wrong.
35. My father taught me to work hard, laugh often and keep my word.
36. What you teach your children, you teach them too.
37. A father is an ordinary man who turns love into a hero, adventurer, storyteller. and singer
38. When you were young You think your father is Superman. then you grow up And you know he’s just a normal guy robed
39. Be a wise father who knows his children.
40. My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother will come out and say ‘She’s tearing up the grass.’ ‘We are not raising the grass,’ the father would reply. ‘We are raising the boys.
41. Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance.
42. The quality of fatherhood can be seen in the goals, dreams and ambitions he sets. Not only for himself but also for his family.
43. A father is a man who expects his son to be as good as he should be.
44. Father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it.
45. He takes on a role called fatherhood. To give his child something mythical and extremely important: the Guardian.
46. My father gave me dreams, thanks to him I can see the future.
47. I speak, speak and speak, and I haven’t taught anyone else for 50 years, what my father taught by example in a week.
48. A father’s heart is nature’s masterpiece.
49. She is old, but she still misses her father sometimes.
50. If there is any immortality among us humans Of course, it’s only love that we leave behind. A father like me never dies
51. The perfect relationship with his father is the earthly foundation of all his wisdom.
52. For You Father’s name is another name for love.
53. I can’t think of any need in childhood as much as the need for protection from a father.
54. Being a father’s daughter is like having a lifelong shield.
55. My father used to say that it’s never too late to do something you want to do. and he said ‘You never know what you can accomplish until you try.’