Bangkok has announced the opening of applications for the first civil service examination for the year 2024, a total of 21 positions. Check the vacant positions, qualifications, prohibited characteristics, and application methods. Details are as follows.
Today, 7 June 2024, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration announced the opening of applications for the competitive examination for recruitment and appointment of individuals into the civil service as Bangkok Metropolitan Administration officials, 1/2024, between 17-28 June 2024.
This recruitment has various vacancies to support work in various departments of Bangkok. They are divided into 18 academic positions at the operational level and 3 general positions at the operational level as follows:
Academic position at operational level
This position is open for a total of 18 positions under the condition that applicants must pass the general knowledge test (Part A) of Bangkok or the Office of the Civil Service Commission only, according to the position details as follows:
1. Computer system operations officer, 3 positions
2. General Operations Manager 20 positions
3. Cleaning Operation Manager, 2 positions
4. Human resource personnel, 7 positions
5. Accountant, 1 position
6. Operational Budget Analyst 4 positions
7. Agricultural Academic Officer, 5 positions
8. Warehouse Operations Officer, 4 positions
9. Computer Science Officer 4 positions
10. Financial and accounting professionals, 5 positions
11. Internal Audit Officer, 7 positions
12. 1 operational statistician
13. Public health practitioners, 12 positions
14. Legal Officer 1 position
15. Librarian, 1 position
16. Mechanical Engineer, 1 position
17. Electrical Engineer 1 position
18. Architects, 5 positions
General type position, operational level
There are 3 positions open for applications, and only applicants who have passed the general knowledge test (Part A) of Bangkok or the Office of the Civil Service Commission are accepted. The position details are as follows:
1. Cleaning staff, 5 positions available
2. Electrician, 3 positions available
3. Civil Engineer, 17 positions available
*High school graduates and bachelor’s degrees are not eligible to apply.
Applicant Qualifications
Bangkok has set 3 qualifications for applicants as follows:
1. Have Thai nationality
2. Be at least 18 years old.
3. Be a person who believes in the democratic regime with the King as Head of State with sincerity.
Prohibited characteristics
- A person who is mentally disabled, a person who is quasi-incompetent, a person who is insane or mentally unstable.
- Being a person who is suspended from duty or has been ordered to leave duty temporarily
- Being a person who lacks good morals to the point of being despised by society
- Is a bankrupt person
- Has been sentenced to imprisonment by a final judgment for committing a criminal offense, except for an offense committed through negligence or a minor offense.
- Have been punished by dismissal, removal or expulsion from a government agency, state enterprise or other government agency.
- Has been punished by dismissal or removal
- Has been punished by dismissal
- Have committed fraud in the civil service entrance examination or in the employment of a government agency.
Examination Application
Those who wish to apply for the examination can apply online from 17-28 June 2024 , 24 hours a day, including public holidays, at the website http://ksb.bangkok.go.th under the topic “Competitive examination for recruitment and appointment of individuals into the civil service as ordinary Bangkok civil servants, 1/2024”, which has the following steps:
1. Applicants must fill out the application form at the Apply for Examination button from June 17 – 28, 2024. The system will automatically issue a payment form for the Krungthai Bank examination fee.
2. Print the examination fee payment form on A4 paper and pay at any Krungthai Bank counter nationwide and via the Internet payment system from June 17 – July 1, 2024.
3. After paying the application fee, you will receive a number. The applicants who have paid the application fee can check their names on the website http://ksb.bangkok.go.th between 10 – 12 July 2024.
Interested persons can check more details about open positions, qualifications, application documents, and application procedures at the website https://bangkok.thaijobjob.com or inquire for more information at the Bangkok Civil Service Commission Office, Tel. 0-2257-7159.

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