10 เรื่องน่ารู้เกี่ยวกับเชื่อ HIV ทำความเข้าใจ ไม่เป็นโรค

Gathers the truth about HIV infection, clearing up doubts about the disease that many people are familiar with. But there is still a lack of understanding.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection as a major global public health problem. Currently, more than 35 million people have died. As for the HIV infection situation in Thailand, Dr. Thongchai Keerati Hatthayakorn Director-General of the Department of Medical Services has said that the situation of HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases It has increased among youth. In 2022, there will be up to 9,230 new people infected with HIV, of whom almost half will be between the ages of 15-24 years and a proportion will be infected with HIV. in the treatment system up to 22.4 percent, which has doubled from 9.5 percent in 2008
This is quite a large number for the number of people infected in Thailand right now, to the point that many people are quite frightened of this very dangerous disease. But wouldn’t it be better if everyone could deal with this disease by understanding it? And eliminate those misunderstandings. Today, Thaiger comes with 10 stories about HIV that everyone should know. What exactly is this illness? Can it be treated? Follow together here!
1. Get to know HIV (HIV), the deadly virus that many people are afraid of.
HIV or HIV is an abbreviation for Human Immunodeficiency Virus , which refers to a type of virus that destroys the body’s immune system. When HIV enters the body, it attaches to and destroys CD4 white blood cells, which causes immune deficiency. If left untreated, CD4 levels will continue to drop, which can lead to AIDS.
2. HIV (HIV), not AIDS (AIDS)
Clear up misunderstandings Actually, HIV and AIDS are not the same thing. which will explain that AIDS is a syndrome of infections with various complications.
People infected with HIV who have a CD4 white blood cell level below 200 have their immune system and white blood cells damaged to the point of being unable to resist the disease. Also known as “Immunodeficiency” results in various germs being able to enter the body more easily, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and meningitis. or get certain types of cancer more easily than normal people
3. HIV infection There is no need to have AIDS symptoms.
Being infected with HIV does not mean The patient will have AIDS symptoms. Because if the patient always has blood tests And receiving timely and continuous treatment with antiretroviral drugs will be able to stop AIDS.
4. Even if you are sick with AIDS, you still have a chance of survival.
Even today, medicine is still able to treat AIDS symptoms. or invent drugs to directly treat AIDS But if the patient is diagnosed with the disease at a stage when they are still infected, they will be able to take antiretroviral drugs. To stop the virus from destroying the body’s immunity. As such, the sooner the virus is found, the easier it will be to control it. This will result in an increased chance of survival. However, for patients in Thailand The government has a welfare program to provide antiretroviral drugs to those who are infected. Just register for the program to receive antiretroviral drugs at participating hospitals.
5. 80% of transmission of the HIV virus occurs through sexual contact.
The HIV and AIDS viruses can be transmitted from person to person. Through contact with secretions in the body Whether it is blood, semen, lymph, natural lubricants in the vagina. or from the penis Including anus and breast milk for having sex without wearing a condom. Here we will talk about penetration between the male and female genitals. and anal penetration between male and female. or between females and females who are exposed to vaginal lubricants. Not wearing condoms is the leading cause of HIV infection in more than 80 percent of AIDS patients worldwide.
Although having sex without a condom poses a risk of transmitting HIV, did you know that patients can have families? which if the patient wants to create a family You can take your partner to consult a doctor. To find guidelines for having children The child will not be infected with HIV.
6. Needles can spread HIV.
There are many forms of HIV transmission using needles. The first is using injection needles. Or sharing syringes with HIV-infected people can lead to the spread of HIV between them. Such behavior is often found among people who use drugs by injecting drugs into their veins.
Next is the sharing of needles between patients and non-patients, such as using skin tattoo needles, eyebrow tattoo needles, and organ piercing needles. like an ear piercing needle or navel piercing needle
6. HIV infection symptoms have 3 stages .
Symptoms of HIV infection can be divided into 3 stages:
Symptoms of HIV infection, stage 1 or acute stage
For phase 1, it can occur during the first 2-4 weeks. The symptoms are: The patient began to have flu symptoms. Feeling of aches and pains in the body Including having a headache. Some patients may have a rash or lymph nodes on their bodies. At this stage, various germs will begin to enter the body. And there is the destruction of CD4 white blood cells, which results in the body’s immune system falling down quickly.
However, in phase 1, the symptoms of the illness will be no different from those. general illness Therefore, it is the reason Infected people do not have time to consider their symptoms. and did not know that they had been infected But after a while The body will gradually create new CD4 white blood cells, but their performance will decrease from before.
Symptoms of HIV infection, stage 2 or latent period
In phase 2, the body will still not show many symptoms. The reason is that the increase in the amount of germs in the body is very low. And it may take up to 10 years for the virus to destroy the body’s immune system. and causing the illness to enter stage 3, but vice versa if the patient does not take good care of their physical health It is possible that the illness will enter stage 3 faster.
Symptoms of HIV infection, stage 3 or AIDS stage
Stage 3, or what many people often call the AIDS stage, is considered the last stage of HIV infection because at this time the immune system in the patient’s body has been largely destroyed by the virus. Therefore, it is no longer able to resist the virus. This is the period when the body is most weak and at risk of developing complications. And most importantly, you can still be infected with the same virus again. and healing is many times more difficult than usual
7. Transmission of HIV is not as easy as you think.
In addition to understanding the causes of HIV infection, you should also learn that What kind of behavior cannot spread disease from person to person? which has a variety of behaviors as follows
- hugging and kissing Deep kisses are excluded here. where saliva is mixed And if there are sores in the mouth, such kissing can spread infection into the body.
- Having sex using a condom
- Being close to each other within a breath
- Sharing soap, shower cream, shampoo, or toothpaste
8. HIV infection and death
According to the Ministry of Public Health, in 2012 it was found that the number of deaths among HIV-infected patients was 11th, with a death rate of 6.3 per 100,000 people.
As for the cause of death of HIV-infected patients, it was found that the majority were due to tuberculosis infection, followed by Pneumonia caused by infection with Pneumocystis jiroveci and sepsis, which is consistent with World Health Organization data. which stated that Tuberculosis is the cause of death in approximately 1 in 4 people infected with HIV.
From a study in South Korea That analyzed the causes of death of infected patients receiving antiretroviral drugs in 5 years, found that 57.7% were AIDS related deaths, with the main causes being tuberculosis and pneumonia from Pneumocystis jiroveci infection, 5%. 30.8 and 7.7 percent, respectively. The most common non-AIDS related death was bacterial infection or sepsis, 11.51 percent.
9. People infected with HIV may not have to take antiretroviral drugs for the rest of their lives.
If the patient takes antiretroviral drugs on time and regularly By taking care of your physical health regularly, there is a chance that the HIV virus will gradually decrease and you may be able to stop taking medicine. But they still need to be under the supervision of a doctor and continue to have their health checked periodically.
10. People infected with HIV can live as long as other people.
If the patient takes antiretroviral drugs regularly and always taking care of your body to be healthy Infected people will be able to live a long life, unlike other people. live for yourself and loved ones for decades to come. Being infected with HIV does not mean that Your lifespan will always be shortened.
After you are relieved of your doubts about HIV infection, you will find that the disease that many people are worried about and are afraid of can actually be prevented. And it’s not as serious as it’s understood. If everyone takes care of their health to be strong. and keep it clean Always taking precautions, all of us can live a safe and disease-free life. And for patients if they take medicine as prescribed by their doctor regularly. Everyone will continue to live for a long time.
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