
โปรดเกล้าฯ ให้ถอดยศทหาร-เรียกคืนเครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์ 7 ราย

The Royal Gazette published 6 announcements, granting royal permission to strip military ranks and revoke royal decorations for 7 people.

On June 21, 2021, the Royal Gazette website published six similar announcements from the Prime Minister’s Office, with Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha acting as the recipient of the royal command, as follows:

Announcement of the Prime Minister’s Office regarding Royal Permission to Revoke Royal Decorations

His Majesty the King graciously granted permission to revoke the Fifth Class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand, the Gold Medal of the White Elephant, and the Chakra Mala Medal, which Mr. Thanupong Pitak-anan or Mr. Chanchai Amornwattananukul, a former police officer, formerly of the rank of Police Sergeant, position of Squad Commander, Investigation Division, Metropolitan Police Division 6, Royal Thai Police, received due to being punished by dismissal from government service since 1 July 2015.

By the final order which is the cause of the revocation of the royal decorations according to clauses 6 and 7 (4) of the Prime Minister’s Office regulations on requesting permission to revoke royal decorations B.E. 2548 and Mr. Thanupong Pitak-anan or Mr. Chanchai Amornwattananukul is the person whose name has been removed from the list of recipients of royal decorations according to the relevant Prime Minister’s Office announcement.

Announcement of the Prime Minister’s Office regarding Royal Permission to Revoke Royal Decorations

His Majesty the King graciously granted permission to revoke the Fourth Class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand, the Fifth Class of the Order of the White Elephant, and the Fifth Class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand, which Mr. Suphat Khamsiri, a former permanent employee,

Position: Medium-sized machinery driver, Level C2, Industrial Raw Materials Management Division, Department of Primary Industries and Mining, Ministry of Industry, received the royal award due to being punished with dismissal from government service since October 1, 2018 due to serious disciplinary offenses.

The basis is that he has intentionally not complied with the Prime Minister’s Office regulations on official vehicles, B.E. 2523 and amendments, which has caused serious damage to the government by the final order, which is the reason for the revocation of royal decorations according to clauses 6 and 7 (4) of the Prime Minister’s Office regulations on requesting permission to revoke royal decorations, B.E. 2548, and Mr. Suphat Khamsiri has had his name removed from the list of recipients of royal decorations according to the relevant announcements of the Prime Minister’s Office.

Announcement of the Prime Minister’s Office regarding Royal Permission to Strip Military Ranks

His Majesty has graciously granted permission to remove Second Lieutenant Jinnawat Chareonroj, a commissioned officer in the Royal Thai Army, from his military rank, effective 9 April 2020, due to committing the offense of deserting military service while on active duty, according to Section 12 of the Military Rank Act, B.E. 2479, amended by the Military Rank Act (No. 6), B.E. 2501, in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense regulations on persons unfit to hold military rank and titles, B.E. 2507, Section 2.

Announcement of the Prime Minister’s Office regarding Royal Permission to Strip Military Ranks

His Majesty has graciously granted permission to remove commissioned officers from their military ranks in accordance with Section 12 of the Military Rank Act B.E. 2479, amended by the Military Rank Act (No. 6) B.E. 2501, in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense regulations on those who are not fit to hold military ranks and titles B.E. 2507, Section 2, for 2 persons, as follows:

1. Captain Chalermsak Rueanmongkol, affiliated with the Royal Thai Army, was relieved from his military rank on 24 April 2018 due to committing the offense of deserting military service while on duty.
2. Second Lieutenant Supawat Phromma, affiliated with the Royal Thai Army, was relieved from his military rank on 16 June 2019 due to committing the offense of deserting military service while on duty.

Announcement of the Prime Minister’s Office on Royal Permission to Strip Military Ranks and Revoke Royal Decorations

His Majesty has graciously granted permission to remove Lieutenant Colonel Duangrat Raethongkhao or Wichianchuea, a commissioned officer in the Royal Thai Army, from her military rank, effective 2 March 2021, due to committing a serious breach of military discipline based on misconduct, according to Section 12 of the Military Rank Act B.E. 2479, amended by the Military Rank Act (No. 6) B.E. 2501, in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense regulations on persons unfit to hold military rank and titles B.E. 2507, Section 2.

And His Majesty graciously granted permission to revoke the Third Class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand which was bestowed in accordance with Items 6 and 7 (4) of the Prime Minister’s Office regulations on requesting permission to revoke royal decorations B.E. 2548. In this regard, Lieutenant Colonel Duangrat Raethongkhao or Wichianchuea has had her name removed from the list of recipients of royal decorations in accordance with the relevant Prime Minister’s Office announcement.

Announcement of the Prime Minister’s Office on Royal Permission to Strip Military Ranks and Revoke Royal Decorations

His Majesty the King has graciously granted permission to remove Major Montri Chaengkrachang, a commissioned officer in the Royal Thai Army, from his military rank, effective 9 August 2018, due to the offense of desertion during military service while on active duty, in accordance with Section 12 of the Military Rank Act, B.E. 2479, amended by the Military Rank Act (No. 6), B.E. 2501.

Comprising the Ministry of Defence regulations regarding those who are not fit to hold military ranks and titles, B.E. 2507, Section 2, and His Majesty graciously granted permission to revoke the Fourth Class of the Order of the White Elephant, the Fourth Class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand, the Freedom Protection Medal, Second Class, Type 2, the Border Service Medal, and the Chakra Mala Medal.

who received all levels of royal decorations according to Section 6 and Section 7 (4) of the Prime Minister’s Office regulations on requesting permission to revoke royal decorations B.E. 2548. In this regard, Major Montree Chaengkrachang is a person whose name has been removed from the list of those who received royal decorations according to the relevant Prime Minister’s Office announcement.


นักเขียนประจำที่ Thaiger จบการศึกษาด้านศิลปกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา เคยผ่านประสบการณ์ผู้สื่อข่าวกีฬา เริ่มเขียนบทความกับ Thaiger ตั้งแต่ปี 2021 วิ่งกับการอ่านหนังสือ คือ กิจกรรมที่สนใจเป็นพิเศษ ช่องทางติดต่อ pachara@thethaiger.com



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